Dieting Will Make You FAT!

Trust me on this!  I speak from experience.  If there is a diet out there, I have been on it.  I couldn't even begin to name them all.  But if I heard about it or read about it, I was soon trying it.  And the end result?  270 lbs of FAT!

But wait?  Isn't dieting supposed to help us LOSE weight?  Well, that's what all the weight loss products would like you to believe.  Eat this.  Don't eat this.  Make sure you eat as soon as you wake up.  Don't eat after 3 pm.  Don't eat after 7 pm.  Snacks are okay.  Snacks AREN'T okay.  And don't forget...TAKE OUR __________! (Fill in the blank.  Shake, pill, drink, capsule, bar, etc, etc).

The truth is if you really want to lose weight, the first thing you have to do is stop dieting.  

Diets that restrict calories are bad.  Your body requires a certain number of calories to function.  That number differs for everyone.  My grandson, the athlete, is a one man eating machine and stick-thin.  He burns off all of it during practice.  Although I used to be just like him (118 lbs when I got out of boot camp), I now burn much less calories and therefore can't eat as much as he does if I want to maintain a healthy weight.  I know you know all this.  But what you may not know is that our body will work to make sure that we consume the calories it requires.  So if I'm currently eating 2000 calories a day and I suddenly cut down to 1500, my body will do whatever it can to get me to increase my caloric intake.  It will make us HUNGRY!  Ever wonder why all you can think about is your next meal when you are on a diet?  Because your body is trying to sabotage your plans.  And when you finally give in and eat more, your body stores it all as fat, plus a little bit extra...just in case you decide to do something like that again.

Diets that rely on shakes or pills or powders are bad.  The ones that use them as part of calorie restriction will fail eventually for the reasons listed above.  Because you have to stop using them eventually.  And when you do, the weight comes back, plus extra.  

The ones that use these products to speed up your metabolism are also bad.  Again, for the same reason.  You can't stay on them forever and when you stop and your metabolism slows down to normal, the weight comes back.

Diets that restrict food types or rely on a particular food are bad.  Most are nutritionally deficient.  And when your body is not getting the nutrients it needs, it can function efficiently.  Which makes weight loss even more difficult.

I'm sure by now you're thinking losing weight is an impossible task and you might just as well resign yourself to being fat.  I know because I was there.  I thought nothing would ever work.  But I found the things that did.  

First, I stopped dieting.  Instead I just focus on eating healthy food at every meal.  And I learned to listen to my body.  I eat when my body says it's hungry.  And I have learned to stop eating when it's full.  These two things alone will do more to help you lose weight than any diet.  Healthy food and mindful eating.  

I exercise regularly.  This doesn't have to be XTREME whatever, or CrossFit or Bootcamp.  I walk.  My husband and I walk together almost every day.  And that's enough.  Now, as I have begun to lose weight and feel much better, I have added weights training to my routine.  And I have done a Zumba class or two, just because I am once again enjoying pushing myself.  But if you can't or just don't want to do any of that, a simple 30 - 60 minute walk 3 -5 days a week is enough.  (Side benefit of regular exercise - more energy, better sleep, less stress.  What's not to love?)

I drink purified water.  Lots of it.  Your body needs water to function properly.  Unfortunately, most of our water has toxic substances in it which can impact your body's ability to function.  So purified water is best. 

And yes, I used a "weight loss product".  But wait - didn't I just say these were bad?  Well, there is an exception.  Slenderiix.  The Slenderiix weight loss system is homeopathic, hormone-free, and doesn't contain any harmful stimulants or other harmful ingredients.  The two products are designed to work together to support your healthy lifestyle.  The Slenderiix drops are designed to help control minor hunger pangs (not suppress your appetite) and XCELER8's vitamin B12 naturally supports the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats (not block them.  You need carbs and fat as part of a healthy diet.)

Healthy food choices.  Mindful eating.  Exercise.  Purified water.  Slenderiix.

It really is that simple.

Find out more about Slenderiix here.

Find out how to add pure clean water to your life here.

Join our Facebook group for tips, recipes, and support here.

Let's get healthy!


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