Resistance Band Chair Workouts

Resistance bands can be as effective as light weights, but even more convenient. They weigh very little, so can be curled up and packed in any bag. They also usually come with a door anchor, so you can attach the anchor to the door and close it, attach your resistance band of choice to the anchor, and do a variety of exercises. You can find a set of reasonably priced ones here.

If you’ve ever seen those rather confusing “Universal” machines, resistance bands can give you a similar workout without all the clanking, stressing and straining. It’s just a case of learning some basic movements and deciding what area/s of your body you want to work out.

The important thing to remember is to start with a low weight so nothing snaps back or gets strained. Also, be sure to protect your bands from concrete or other hard surfaces that might cause the bands to fray, tear or snap.

Arms to Shoulders

Sit straight in a chair, feet flat on the floor. Place the center of the resistance band under your feet and grip the handles so your wrists are facing outward. With elbows bent, lift the handles to the height of your shoulders. Try not to lock your arms. 

Arms Overhead

Sit straight in a chair, feet flat on the floor. Place the center of the resistance band under your feet and grip the handles so your wrists are facing inward. With one smooth motion, try to stretch the bands to your shoulders and then right up over your head. Hold in place for a moment; don’t look your elbows. Bring your arms down in a controlled motion so nothing snaps. 

Overhead Rows

Place your door anchor as high as it will go. Place your chair so the anchor is above the middle of the chair. Sit on the chair with your back to the door and grip the handles over your head. Pull straight down in a steady motion until your elbows tuck into your waist. Ease back up to the overhead position in a controlled manner. Repeat.

Overhead Shoulder Extension

Place your door anchor as high as it will go. Place your chair so the anchor is above the middle of the chair. Sit on the chair with your back to the door and grip the handles over your head. Pull down and outward, so your elbows are pointing in each direction and they are about the level of your shoulders. Ease back up to the overhead position in a controlled manner. Repeat.

Front Rowing

Place your door anchor at about the level of your chest. Place your chair so you are facing the anchor and close enough to just grip the handles. Hold the handles together, wrists facing. Pull the bands until your hands are parallel with your chest and your elbows are all the way back. Ease back and repeat.

Chair Cycle

Place your door anchor at about the level of your chair. Loop your band of choice through. Attach your resistance to one ankle with a Velcro strap. Sit straight up, hands on the seat of the chair, around the level of your buttocks. Bend the leg attached to the resistance band, bringing the knee up to your chest. Stretch it back out again, around and then back up. Concentrate on keeping the movement smooth, as if you were cycling. Be mindful of not letting your back sag as you are doing it.


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