5 Reasons You're Feeling Foggy - and What to Do About It

But there is good news! Chances are there’s a reason for feeling scattered and out of
sorts. And if there’s a reason, that means you can fix it!
Poor Diet
Eating a diet
filled with highly processed foods, aka junk foods, will leave you feeling foggy.
There isn’t much, if any, nutrition left in these foods after they’ve been
stripped of their natural state taking this and that out and adding in more
chemicals than we can count to come up with something that will stay on the
shelf indefinitely.
You know if you’ve
ever gotten bad gas in your car how it makes your car sputter, cut out and just
run poorly. Well, think of highly processed foods as bad fuel for your body.
Get more fresh
whole foods into your diet to combat brain fog. Eat organic as often as
possible and fill your body with the goodness that comes from real food.
Sedentary Lifestyle
Leading a life
without much movement can be a cause of brain fog because your brain isn’t
getting what it needs to be sharp and alert.
Your brain needs
oxygen and vital nutrients which is carried to it through the blood stream. If
you don’t get your blood pumping to increase blood flow through exercise your
brain is lacking the very things it needs to do its job properly. Exercise
improves brain function, so get off the couch. Even a quick 10-minute walk will
go a long way towards improving your brain power.
Toxic Buildup
Our bodies can get
polluted from chemicals in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the
foods we eat. If you don’t eat healthy and get some exercise, these toxins can
build up, causing your body – and your brain – to function at sub-optimal
Detoxifying can be
an unpleasant experience the first time because we’re stirring up all the crud
that has built up over our lifetime. The more often you do this the easier it
becomes and you will feel the effects of having a cleaner body and a clearer
If you’re under a
lot of stress on a regular basis this can lead to physical and mental problems.
Stress elevates a hormone in your body called cortisol that causes inflammation
in your brain and body. Chronic inflammation can cause a host of issues
including fatigue, damaged brain cells, depression, weight gain and glucose
You need to have an
outlet for your stress. Adding an exercise regimen will help you to not only
feel better by releasing endorphins in your brain which cause you to feel good,
it can even help you shed unwanted weight. You can also choose to pamper
yourself by taking a hot bath, getting a massage, meditating or trying yoga.
If you don’t
consume enough water you may suffer from dehydration. Water helps flush the
waste and toxins out of your body that can accumulate in your intestinal
You should consume
at minimum a half gallon of water per day. An easy way to incorporate more
water into your day is to drink a full glass upon rising and another before
each meal.
If you find
yourself feeling foggy on a regular basis, chances are good you’re suffering
from one or all of these issues. Get some exercise, eat better, drink lots of
water and release your stress, and you’ll feel sharper in no time.
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