The First 60

So how did I lose the first 60 pounds?  Trial and error mostly.  Reading all I could about nutrition and healthy and weight loss.  Then putting what I read to the test.  Some of it worked.  Lots of it didn't.

Here's what worked:

Yes, I used a weight loss product.  And I'm not ashamed to admit it.  There's nothing wrong with getting a little help.  What is important is to choose the right type of product.  The product I used is called Slenderiix.  I am not going to get into details about it here.  I can do that later.  If you want information before that, click here.

I changed my meal times.  I used to wait until my husband got home to eat dinner.  We enjoyed having dinner together so I always waited, no matter how hungry I was.  But there are two things wrong with that.  First I was always VERY hungry by the time we actually ate.  And the later in the day you eat, the less time you have to burn those calories.  So now I eat between 6:30 and 7:00 pm.  Even if he isn't home.

I learned to listen to my body.  There is no one weight loss program that will work for everyone.  I finally learned to take what I was reading and adapt it to fit my body, my lifestyle, and my likes and dislikes, instead of trying to adapt myself to a "plan."

I stopped stressing over the fact that I don't get as much exercise as I would like.  Diet is more important than exercise.  Yes, exercise is important.  And so I work it in as often as I can.  But if I miss a day or shorten my workout because I'm busy, it's ok. 

I added meditation to my daily routine.  I have a lot of stress in my life.  Chronically ill husband. Business.  Responsibilities.  Stressing about my weight.  But stress just makes it harder to lose the weight.  A few minutes of meditation in the morning helps me de-stress and focus on what is important.

I snacked.  It's a long time from lunch until dinner.  I just ensure I have healthy snack choices. 

I had a treat when I wanted a treat.  Birthday cake with my grandkids.  Nachos and beer with my husband.  One treat will not ruin your healthy eating plan.  In fact, if you take it into account as part of your plan for the day, and make adjustments, it's better than trying to deny yourself until the cravings and resentment become unbearable, setting you up for a binge.

I made it a point to read nutrition labels.  That was eye-opening!  You'd be surprised at the foods that are marketed as "healthy" that aren't!

I weighed myself every day.  I know several of the weight loss programs recommend once-a-week.  But I found weighing every day actually kept me more accountable.

I ate less meat, almost no grains, and lots of fruits and veggies.  Lots of raw fruits and veggies.

I'll talk about each of these individually in future posts.

Do you have some weight loss tips that worked for you?  Share them in the comments!


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