Best Weight Loss Secrets

I've learned some tricks during my weight loss journey.  The things that helped me lose 60 pounds!  I'm sharing them with you today.  Give them a try.  Some may work for you.  Some may not.  Give them a try.  What have you got to lose?  60 pounds!

1.  Pre-pare!  When you are dieting, you can get hungry.  Maybe you aren't eating enough or you are waiting too long between meals.  What ever the reason for your hunger, when you are hungry you often tend to grab the fastest, easiest thing to eat.  Unfortunately, those are often not the healthiest.  Prepare snack size servings of healthy munchies so you can get them quickly when you need something to eat.  And always keep some healthy snacks in your desk at work or in your purse or car.  Having some healthy options when you're out and about might help persuade you to drive past the donut shop or steer clear of the vending machines.

2.  Eat!  Speaking of hunger.  Don't starve yourself thinking it will help you lose weight faster.  It won't.  What it will do is slow your metabolism so your body will store what little food it's getting as fat. 

3.  Be colorful!  Load up your meals and snacks with colorful fruits and vegetables.  Healthier for you and if you fill up on these, there is less room for junk!

4.  Drink water!  It keeps you hydrated which helps your body function more efficiently.  And it helps you feel full!

5.  Throw away your salt shaker!  Salt has been shown to contribute to water retention, bloating, and weight gain.  There are much healthier ways to add some flavor to your food. 

6.  Give up the diet soda!  I was absolutely addicted to diet soda.  That should be proof enough that it doesn't work because I was 120 pounds overweight!  Not only does it NOT work, it is not healthy for you either.  What should you dringk?  Water!!!

7.  Keep a food journal!  I thought I was eating well.  I don't eat a lot of junk...or so I thought.  But by tracking my food intake, I discovered that I nibble (I call it "tasting" a lot while I'm cooking.  Or if the grandkids come over, I will often eat what's left on their plates.  Keeping a journal of what you eat my help you discover some holes in your diet.

8.  Eat your breakfast!  It jumpstarts your metabolism (why do you think it's called break - fast?!).  And it keeps you from overeating later during the day.

9.  Share!  My husband and I went out to eat one day.  Or rather he went out to eat.  I went to watch because I was on a diet.  (His favorite restaurant is not exactly low-cal).  But I finally succumbed to the temptation of his food (and the fact that I was STARVING) and ate half his lunch.  And you know what we discovered?  We were both perfectly satisfied with half an entrée.  Many restaurants serve more than recommended serving sizes.  Order an appetizer and an entrée and share it.  Saves calories - and money!

10.  Clean out the pantry!  If it's in your house, you will always be tempted.  So get rid of the junk food.  Now my husband isn't on a diet and does have the occasional cookie or bag of chips.  So he has his own private cupboard which is well out of my reach (unless I get a step ladder) and away from where the regular food is normally stored.  So even though I know on some level that it's there, because it is out of sight and out of reach (please tell me you are not going to climb up on a step ladder just for a cookie!), it is not a temptation for me.

Do you have a weight loss secret?  Share it in the comments!  


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