I Never Liked Water! Until I Discovered This!

Water.  At best it's tasteless.  At its worst, depending on its source, it can taste HORRIBLE!  It can also be one of your most effective tools in the battle to lose weight.

Learning to drink water was one of the hardest things I have had to do.  I am not naturally a water person.  For years, I lived on Diet Coke.  Then I was diagnosed with cancer.  There was no correlation between the Diet Coke consumption and the cancer.  But when I was finished with my treatment, I vowed I was going to live a healthier lifestyle.  And so I gave up the Diet Coke. 

And replaced it with cappuccino!  There were at least 3 coffee places on my way back and forth each day.  And I hit them all every day.  Healthier than Diet Coke?  Hmmmmmm.....  More fattening?  Definitely!  Tasty?  Absolutely!!

But I realized eventually that this was probably not the best choice.  At least not 3-4 times a day!  So I added other "healthy" beverages to my diet.  Orange juice (nutritious, but lots of sugar, even if it is natural sugar).  Iced Teas (Sweet.  This is the South after all!)  Hot Chocolate (better than cappuccino - yes?)  Flavored waters (Low calories.  Additives galore!)  I drank everything - except water. 

It wasn't until I got serious about my weight that I took a long look at water and what it does for weight loss.  Here's what I learned:

1.  Drinking water boosts your metabolism.  Despite the fact that it is calorie-free, your body still has to work to process it.  That means your body is burning calories - simply by drinking water!  This process even has a fancy name:  Diet-induced Thermogenesis

2.  Water keeps you from becoming dehydrated.  Your body needs water to function.  When it doesn't get enough, it doesn't work as efficiently.  That means all your body processes - including weight loss - don't work as efficiently.  Your body will tell you when it's dehydrated.  Many times when you think you're hungry, that's actually your body telling you it needs water.  Do yourself a favor.  Next time you have that empty-stomach feeling, try drinking some water first.  You might be surprised to learn you were really thirsty, not hungry!

3.  Water boosts your energy levels.  Stands to reason...When your body is hydrated and functioning at its peak, you will have more energy.  So instead of that afternoon snack, try a glass of water.

4.  If you're filling up on water, you're not filling up on cappuccino, diet sodas, and other less healthy choices.  Research has shown that those who drink more water have a decrease in their intake of other beverages.

All good stuff!  But it still didn't change the fact that I didn't like the taste - or  lack thereof - of water!  I tried to make myself drink it, but no luck.  I just couldn't do it.

So what changed?  Why am I now a water-drinking machine? 

Puritii!  When I joined Ariix I tried all of the products.  I won't sell anything I have not personally tried so I bought the Puritii Water Filtration System. This portable water filtration system was supposed to let me enjoy safe, fresh, clean drinking water without the cost, waste and potentially harmful toxins of bottled or tap water.  Okay.  So it would still taste like crap, but at least it would be healthy.

Do you know what water tastes like once all of the toxins and chemicals have been removed?  Have you ever tasted PURE, CLEAN water?  It tastes GOOD!  REALLY GOOD!  I was amazed!  I promptly bought water filters and bottles for my husband and of course, the grandkids.  And when my husband asked me to put his water bottle in his lunch bag every day, I knew it wasn't just my imagination.  This thing works!

Not only does each filter supply me with 70 gallons of pure water, it works anywhere.  I take it with me when I travel, on camping trips, basically anywhere I go.  If you see me out and about, I will probably have my water bottle in my hand.  When our water line had some issues and we were told to boil our water, I didn't have to worry about it.  My filter took care of everything! 

Now for you bottled water users, congratulations.  You are drinking water.  But do you remember a few years ago when several brands of water were recalled because of E.Coli contamination?  Bottled water is processed just like any other product and is subject to possible contamination - just like any other product.  And just recently, there was a warning published about leaving bottled water in your car in the summer.  It seems the heat can cause the chemicals in the bottles to leach into your water.  Yum!  And did you know that tests have been done that proved that lots of your pricey bottled water is actually nothing more than tap water?  And think of all the plastic bottles that end up in the landfill!

So now I'm a Puritii water drinker.  I LOVE water.  In fact, it is safe to say I CRAVE water!  And it is making a big difference in my weight loss.  (Like going for my check up yesterday and being told that my BMI has decreased!).  Want to know more about how you can try the Puritii Water Filtration System?  Click here


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